
Be Prepared!

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10 Things to Take on Every Jump…

Be Prepared”

Robert Baden-Powell

Upon hearing the Scout motto (Be Prepared), someone asked Scouting founder Robert Baden-Powell the inevitable follow-up question:

“Prepared for what?”

Why, for any old thing,”

TIP: Your helmet liner provides a great stash place for useful stuff

What would a scout take on a skydive?

1 Pull-up cord and bungees

In case you have an off landing and want to pack while waiting for a lift – and it’s surprising how many other tasks they can be useful for. Keep in your jumpsuit pocket or under your helmet liner – which is a great place to store a myriad of other useful bits…

2 Ear plugs

Ear plugs protect your ears from long term damage by exposure to repeated aircraft noise. It makes sense to wear them on the ride to altitude, and on the jump. Spares always come in useful.

All this stuff and more goes in the top of your helmet for emergencies

3 Spare hair elastics and paper hankies

‘Nuff said!

4 O2 hose and connectors

These also hide in the helmet top for when needed

5 Duck Tape

Stick some duck tape to your helmet, for in-aircraft dramas – mending zips, jumpsuits, bootees, attaching O2 hoses, repairs on visors, goggles and camera gear…

Stick duck tape to your helmet – I guarantee it will come in useful one day!

6 Buff

Or similar neckwear – such a versatile accessory with many functions. Warmth, protection for your neck/face if it’s a bit rainy, cleaning your visor, routing your O2 hose, covering long hair to prevent frizzing, etc …

7 Alti and audible

There are all sorts of advanced altitude devices on the market with an incredible array of functions, check them out!

8 Phone

Some people like to take their phone in a jumpsuit pocket – entertainment or information on the way to altitude and useful in an off landing if the DZ has Burble, it’s easy to locate and retrieve you.

9 Gloves

Gloves protect your hands from damage by line burns and give extra grip on the plane or in an emergency. Hook knives seem to be predominantly used for cutting O2 hoses but there are reports of being useful in real emergencies.

10 Jumpsuit, helmet and rig

Of course, don’t forget the basics!

“To Be Prepared means you are always in a state of readiness in mind and body to do your duty”

Robert Baden-Powell
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Meet: Lesley Gale

Lesley has been in love with skydiving for 35 years. She is a multiple world and national record holder and a coach on 20 successful record events worldwide. She has over 100 competition medals spanning more than 25 years and has been on the British 8-way National team at World events. She started Skydive Mag to spread knowledge, information and passion about our amazing sport.
Lesley is delighted to be sponsored by Performance Designs, Sun Path, Cypres, Cookie, Symbiosis suits and Larsen & Brusgaard

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